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Pantheon Chambers  expects its members to adhere to our core values of excellence, integrity, and justice. Our recruitment approach prioritises individuals, ensuring the best candidates join our chambers, including accommodating the expansion of our physical space to welcome new members.

To apply for tenancy, kindly contact Ronald Pang, representing the Chambers’ Management Committee at
We take pride in being one of only two chambers with diversity and equality policies, striving to foster diversity, inclusion, and flexible working. We encourage applications from all backgrounds and are committed to supporting underrepresented groups in the legal sector. Reasonable adjustments are available to enable disabled or neurodiverse candidates to demonstrate their suitability for the tenancy.

For additional details about our policy, please refer to our Equal Opportunities & Diversity Policy.

Pantheon Chambers offers annual pupillage opportunities with the highest paying pupillage scholarships in the market. We seek highly motivated individuals with excellent communication skills and a desire to excel. Our pupils work closely with counsel to develop practical casework and learn how barristers build their practices.

Pupillage at Pantheon is unique because of our emphasis on the continuing development of professional skills. Chambers has an extensive and detailed pupillage training program – in addition to pupil’s ALE obligations, including:

  • Mooting and advocacy training

  • Witness handling

  • Legal research and writing

  • Practice management

  • Use of legal technology


All pupils are expected to demonstrate an interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Pupillage scholarships of up to HK$50,000 per seat are offered, prioritizing applicants interested in joining the chambers after qualification. Applications are processed once a year before 31 March, with interviews conducted in May and June, and offers made in July. Applicants should email the Pupillage Committee with their CV, cover letter, academic transcripts, and a legal writing sample. References are welcome but not necessary, and photographs should not be included.

Applications should be addressed to the Pupillage Committee at


Mini - Pupillage

Pantheon Chambers offers a comprehensive Mini-pupillage Scheme for students to gain a practical understanding of the work of barristers in Hong Kong. Through observation and mentorship, students will experience real-life legal cases and courtroom proceedings. The scheme, lasting two or four weeks, allows students to explore barristers' chambers, interact with experienced barristers, and immerse themselves in the practice of law. Participating in the scheme will be advantageous for students considering applying for Pupillage or Pupillage Scholarships in the future.

Application Details:

  • Summer Scheme (June to August): Applications due by 31 March

  • Winter Scheme (December to February): Applications due by 30 September

  • Late applications are not considered

  • Open to local and overseas law students from Common Law jurisdictions

  • Submit CV, cover letter indicating preferred period, practice areas of interest, member of chambers, and relevant supporting documents such as latest transcripts (but no photograph) to the  pupillage committee. 

  • Shortlisted applicants may be interviewed

  • Results communicated in May; no update implies unsuccessful application

Applications should be addressed to the Pupillage Committee at

For enquiries regarding pupillage and mini-pupillage, kindly contact Sukie Cheung, our Practice Development Manager at



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